'We didn't plan it -- it just happened.'''

As in.

Yes, it's true. We never really planned it, it just happened.

Before you can think of anything else, let me just inform you that it is just a passage from my daily love tarot. Yes it is. I can't really relate but I think it is pertaining to that special someone who's very close to me right now. I am just a nobody to his life before, and so was he is in mine. I only knew him due to the fact that we live on the same town where we both spent our childhood years.

Well, it all began when he and his friends came here in Dumaguete and they invited me to go out with them. Aside from the fact that I am so bored at home, I decided to join them for I want to unwind myself from thick books and all chuvanes... HE is so much younger than me. That's why it never, ever entered into my mind that we will be this close. Very Close.

We share same interests in life and I love being with him. I never thought that we will be this compatible and...everything. Ahmm, I just woke up one day thinking about him, us. The feeling is mutual between us and I'm very much serious in taking things to the next higher level.tsk,tsk..

We never planned for this thing to happen. The feelings just brought us together and maybe, just maybe, this is right.

Hopefully, it is really for me this time.I think I'll just take things slowly and even more cautious now. I'm sick of failed relationships.

Rice Cooker!

Thank you so much Pylonites for that very very very amazing birthday party for me and hapi face! I really enjoyed everything about it. I really appreciate all of your efforts specially when you presented a song number for us and the super shocking icing eklavush!

Aside from that very memorable icing moment, our never ending and always present charades got me into tears of joy specially these unforgettable MOVIES, SONGS, AND PYLON THINGS:

Boogie man,speaker , alone, and Rice cooker!!!

Kaila jd ko ani ai...


So what it really means to me?

As of now, it doesn't mean a lot at all. Writing to relieve myself from certain troubles in life is still my best escape but it turned out to be my best avenue to express everything I really want to say. Dramas in life are always here and never will leave me. Yeah right, all those made everything so difficult.

I am freely writing my random ideas now. So, sa mkarelate rah.

This is how rambled my thoughts right now are. I don't know how to put things where they should be. I have been so freaking bad and unorganized lately. I frequently stay late at night doing nothing and going to my classes being not ready to the lessons on that day. Duhh!! I hate how I let things to go this way.

I have been trying to revive myself everyday and bring back the lost self inside me. Unfortunately, I can't find Jabee. I miss myself so much that I don't even know where I should start to find her.

The kind of determination in everything that I do slowly fades away from my gasps and I don't know any way just to prevent that to happen.

Dreams while on the Pylon Comforter..tsk tsk

A very funny dream indeed. Of all the people here on earth, the one who was on my dream is my classmate in my Literature class. I didn't really expect that that person would be in my dream because he is just like one of your ordinary classmates you meet every MWF of your class schedule. Anyways, I don't really understand the dream at all. All I can remember is, he is my boyfriend and we are in the river at Lumbangan, Mabinay (I think, haha). The worst thing is, we are going to help someone who we just meet at the road to wash her laundry.

Can anyone interpret the dream for me? It made me curious if it really means something or its just the influence of our very comfortable Pylon comforter which really needs to be washed!!

piso Piso

Oh my.. My dream of filling up a coin bank really came true! Just this Tuesday, I decided to "make Pabuo" the coins that I have been saving in about a couple of months already. It consisted of one peso coins and about a hundred 25 cents. Weew! I really had a hard time counting all those coins.

Regen and I decided to go to the PNB but they cannot accommodate our request and referred us to the Noreco 2 instead. Luckily, people in the Noreco 2 were very in need of "dabok" money. They even rushed in order for them to exchange their bills with my coins. The experience was very funny and enjoyable as well. The effort of saving few coins each day gave me a sum of P631.00. Not bad.

The only thing that made me sad is that, I really forgot to take a picture of those precious coins I saved.. Hai sayang. But anyway, I am looking forward for the time that I'm gonna bring heavy coins in my backpack again.


Life can never be this good. I mean, I am very busy but I'm enjoying this feeling. This is what I always want to feel. I love what I am doing with my life and it always keeps me going. Despite the very busy schedule and fast approaching deadlines, I can still manage to go out and refresh my stressful mind.
Last week was one of the best and worst times of my life.Hhahah, yah quite confusing but let me explain about it.
First of all, it was one of the best weeks of my life because I meet new real friends who never left me. And I don't want to elaborate more about that. hehe...Secondly, it was the best feeling ever! I lost my own consciousness and maybe became insane at that time... Heaven. ahahha...anyways it was also the worst experience because I am so ashamed of what I've done!God, I really don't remember the things I actually did.
All in all, the event happened to me and my new circle of friends is amazing!!