piso Piso

Oh my.. My dream of filling up a coin bank really came true! Just this Tuesday, I decided to "make Pabuo" the coins that I have been saving in about a couple of months already. It consisted of one peso coins and about a hundred 25 cents. Weew! I really had a hard time counting all those coins.

Regen and I decided to go to the PNB but they cannot accommodate our request and referred us to the Noreco 2 instead. Luckily, people in the Noreco 2 were very in need of "dabok" money. They even rushed in order for them to exchange their bills with my coins. The experience was very funny and enjoyable as well. The effort of saving few coins each day gave me a sum of P631.00. Not bad.

The only thing that made me sad is that, I really forgot to take a picture of those precious coins I saved.. Hai sayang. But anyway, I am looking forward for the time that I'm gonna bring heavy coins in my backpack again.


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