
So what it really means to me?

As of now, it doesn't mean a lot at all. Writing to relieve myself from certain troubles in life is still my best escape but it turned out to be my best avenue to express everything I really want to say. Dramas in life are always here and never will leave me. Yeah right, all those made everything so difficult.

I am freely writing my random ideas now. So, sa mkarelate rah.

This is how rambled my thoughts right now are. I don't know how to put things where they should be. I have been so freaking bad and unorganized lately. I frequently stay late at night doing nothing and going to my classes being not ready to the lessons on that day. Duhh!! I hate how I let things to go this way.

I have been trying to revive myself everyday and bring back the lost self inside me. Unfortunately, I can't find Jabee. I miss myself so much that I don't even know where I should start to find her.

The kind of determination in everything that I do slowly fades away from my gasps and I don't know any way just to prevent that to happen.


Media-Girl said...

yah, i could notice that jab...ur going thinner unlike b4...really bugz u ang tana noh?..kaya nmu na jab..pylonites are hir..

JB said...

thanks keu gil...go3..heheh...kaya pa..

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