Oh my….

“Everything's over but the tears, whether it's tears of sorrow or joy is a matter for you to decide. When the last straw falls, you might finally reconcile a painful past that could exist more in your head than in reality. Regardless of where the fear lies, its effect on your love life is still valid and powerful. The impact of letting memories keep you down may be severe, especially if you roll over and play dead. All good and bad things must come to an end. This might be the time for you to learn to let go of old wounds, heartbreak and injustices that could be hurting or controlling your relationships. The ensuing release, relief or liberation that arrives after this key realization can leave you free to begin again and undertake a new chapter in your relationship or love life.”

- So true… it’s from my tarot again.

That’s it. I know. Since from the start I already knew that time like this will come. The funny thing is some incidents in life just like this tarot I have makes everything a little more concrete than it usually be. Lately, I already decided to let go but not completely ended the bitter past. After then, I read this on my email. Well, maybe it’s just a coincident, but then, it had all the true things I want to express: letting go, starting all over again, healing the wounds and injustices, and stop being so dead over him.

So maybe, this is really the right time to relieve myself from the fantasies I have in my mind. Be in reality and be human again. Tsk, tsk…


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